“It’s a free world” is the title of a film with many moral lessons. This film is about the power of money and how it influences the people and changes them into people who get to do anything for money.
One good example could be Angela, the main character of the film, which was fired from her job in a recruitment agency, due to a public outburst. While recruiting in Poland, Angela decides to set up an agency with her friend,Rose .Angela and Rose started to business, mainly of the back of a large construction job that she supplied immigrant workers to. Paying cash, below minimum wage and irregularly, Angela and Rose started to build up an office at the expense of their “workforce” but I wonder how sustainable a business built on exploitation is?
Then, Angela is not only thanks to both. She entered into unclean businesses. Rose, her friend left her,his son, Jamie suffered a lot because of her, she was beaten in the street and so on. She was considered “a thief” by the people which had been stolen from and even by her parents, and so her life becomes a calvary.
This film shows the true reality and for me means a lot. It opened my eyes and it showed me once again that money is pelf, and the power of money is very big. It also showed me where the facts of people for money go. I learned something: to lie only where your blanket is.
Labels: Petruta Boga