Saturday, June 12, 2010



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ne apropiem de final

Dragii mei,
In urma cu patru ani ati pasit cu emotie pe portile Colegiului National Mihai Eminescu.
Emotia a fost mare si pentru mine deoarece , dupa o pauza de multi ani, eram din nou diriginta.
Mi-am propus sa-mi dedic toata priceperea voua.
La inceput unii dintre voi m-ati privit cu neincredere.
Incetul cu incetul ne-am cunoscut unii pe altii si, iata ca dupa patru ani ne putem lauda cu realizari deosebite.
Ati absolvit cu totii clasa.
Ati trecut cu bine si foarte bine peste probele de competente.
O parte dintre voi ati obtinut certificate internationale.
Cativa ati fost deja acceptati la facultati in strainatate.
Toate lucrurile bune si mai putin bune din acesti ani v-au marcat . Am convingerea ca din toate lucrurile ati invatat ce e bine si ce nu e bine in viata.
Tare mult mi-as dori sa vi se intample in viata doar lucruri bune. Insa cum acest lucru nu e posibil, sper sa reusiti sa traversati toate dificultatile cu fruntea sus.
Ieri ati foat minunati. Pentru a nu stiu cata oara! Ati reusit sa oferiti colegilor mei cel mai frumos moment de despartire de scoala. Va felicit si va multumesc.
Va multumesc ca v-ati maturizat. Va multumesc ca ati progresat.
Va doresc reusita deplina in viata! Nu sunt simple vorbe de politete. E dorinta mea fierbinte pentru voi.
La fel ca pentru parintii vostrii, pentru mine nu va fi mai mare bucurie decat sa va vad realizati.
Sa treceti peste toate in viata cu fruntea sus, cu demnitate si cu incredere in potentialul vostru.
Sa nu uitati o clipa ca faceti parte din acest popor care a reusit sa traverseze, in istoria lui, momemte grele.
Scrieti o fila frumoasa de istorie pentru patria noastra, oriunde va veti afla in anii ce vin.
Succes, dragii mei!
Sanatate si impliniri!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Living Together

The “Living together” project started out as an idea of working in teams and to try to present our opinions. Even though at first we were reluctant and I didn’t want to participate in the project, as the educational classes went on, I started to feel ok with it and I tried to take part in the debates.
I can’t really say that the idea was new, but as the discussions went on, and new information was brought to the table, all the students seemed interested.
Racism, lack of acceptance, xenophobic behaviour, reasons to leave our country, those were the subjects that were really interesting for me. The problems that people who migrate face and the obstacles in front of them were the different topics of our debates. Questions and answers, feedback those were the things that our group wanted. As we presented our topic, I started to feel very relaxed even though I made my share of mistakes and I managed to get past it and to carry on with confidence.
So, this project managed to wake us up from the routine that managed to bare us for more than a semester, and managed to boost our self-confidence and our team work. Therefore this project succeeded to show us that we can be versatile in any circumstances.

Paul Craciun XI E

Living together
During our last educational classes we approached a very interesting subject regarding different themes and situations such as integration and migration.
One of the most exciting things was that we discussed about immigrants, about their difficulties in integrating into a new community or finding a job. We also discussed and debated upon some possible solutions. I found out that as a group we can improve our ideas and complete them. Every class brought something new and creative, we managed to find possible solutions for some pretty important issues and for us, believing that we can make a difference means a lot.
Overall I think that these kind of projects should be presented to teenagers and let them take part and do their bit because we do it for us, for a better integration.

Adrian Andreica

Living Together

’’Living together’’ was an interesting and useful project, promoted by the British Council, through which we learned and practiced many things.
Me and my classmates were very glad with the idea of our form teacher to work in groups. It helped us a lot. We made good jobs together, communicate easier, socialize very much and in a good way.
The atmosphere was a pleasant one. We practice a lot speaking in front of an audience, we developed our ideas and found about the daily problems which take part of people’s life.
The themes are very interesting and are opening our eyes that the life isn’t all the time colored in pink for everybody and that people are having problems with their life: with migration, discrimination, living with another people, etc. It was very interesting that the materials were presented both in English and Romanian.
Finally, I am very glad that the information got from the project are valuable for me.

Andrada Les

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Living Together- Migration

Today Laura, Karin, Paula and Adrian presented the materials from the 1st Chapter of the project “Living Together”, promoted by the British Council.
The theme referred to Migration.
Here follows Tania’s Feedback:
“ I want to tell you that I am very satisfied about our educational class today.
I liked our colleagues’ presentation and I liked the way we communicated with them.
I was impressed by the family story they read.
I think it's very important to know how to take a choice in the most difficult moments of life .It is very important to think very well before making a choice.
In that case, I think that the best choice for the family was to remain in their country and find a solution to survive. It's not very easy to live in such conditions but I think that the most important thing for a family is living together and support one another even if the conditions are bad or very bad. I do not agree with the idea of separation because I know what to live separated of your family means..
The second part of our discussion was about the idea of studying abroad. I was very interested in this subject because I intent to study abroad. I think that Denmark gives Romanian students a lot of possibilities to learn there and that could be a good choice for me. I know that going abroad includes a lot of responsibilities: you have to support yourself working and you have to take all the things seriously, to be responsible for what you have to do. In other words, you have to take your life in your hands and become responsible. On the other hand, it's important to know very well why you want to go there for. My opinion is that it is not very easy to have a job and ,in the same time, to study. Not very many young people can make this double effort and this is the reason that we have to think twice before taking a decision because the effort could be enormous for some of us.
Finally, I can tell you that today it was an opportunity for us to find out a lot of things about our future,
In my case I can tell you that after this class I started thinking most seriously of my future and what I have to do .
Tania Vid

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


“It’s a free world” is the title of a film with many moral lessons. This film is about the power of money and how it influences the people and changes them into people who get to do anything for money.
One good example could be Angela, the main character of the film, which was fired from her job in a recruitment agency, due to a public outburst. While recruiting in Poland, Angela decides to set up an agency with her friend,Rose .Angela and Rose started to business, mainly of the back of a large construction job that she supplied immigrant workers to. Paying cash, below minimum wage and irregularly, Angela and Rose started to build up an office at the expense of their “workforce” but I wonder how sustainable a business built on exploitation is?
Then, Angela is not only thanks to both. She entered into unclean businesses. Rose, her friend left her,his son, Jamie suffered a lot because of her, she was beaten in the street and so on. She was considered “a thief” by the people which had been stolen from and even by her parents, and so her life becomes a calvary.
This film shows the true reality and for me means a lot. It opened my eyes and it showed me once again that money is pelf, and the power of money is very big. It also showed me where the facts of people for money go. I learned something: to lie only where your blanket is.


It-s a Free World- Andrada

“It’s a free world” is the title of a film with many moral lessons. This film is about the power of money and how it influences the people and changes them into people who get to do anything for money.
One good example could be Angela, the main character of the film, which was fired from her job in a recruitment agency, due to a public outburst. While recruiting in Poland, Angela decides to set up an agency with her friend,Rose .Angela and Rose started to business, mainly of the back of a large construction job that she supplied immigrant workers to. Paying cash, below minimum wage and irregularly, Angela and Rose started to build up an office at the expense of their “workforce” but I wonder how sustainable a business built on exploitation is?
Then, Angela is not only thanks to both. She entered into unclean businesses. Rose, her friend left her,his son, Jamie suffered a lot because of her, she was beaten in the street and so on. She was considered “a thief” by the people which had been stolen from and even by her parents, and so her life becomes a calvary.
This film shows the true reality and for me means a lot. It opened my eyes and it showed me once again that money is pelf, and the power of money is very big. It also showed me where the facts of people for money go. I learned something: to lie only where your blanket is.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

O zi la biblioteca

Biblioteca… mici cunoastem acest termen ca fiind o casa a cartilor si un vis pentru cei ce iubesc cartea
Dar biblioteca este un izvor de cunoastere si ne permite sa profitam la maximum de el. Ea ne da satisfactii, bucurii, rezolvari pe drumul instruirii.
Totusi modul in care bibliotecile din zilele trecute se prezentau este diferit de cel de astazi.Cartile au ramas,in parte aceleasi,astractia lor asupra noastra,de asemeni,aceeasi.
In prezent,bibliotecile prezinta modalitati si elemente care faciliteaza gasirea informatiei.Lumea inainteaza in cunoastere,in tehnologie,iar bibliotecile odata cu ea.Biblioteca “Petre Dulfu”, din Baia Mare este un exemplu de noi tehnologii, de cunoastere;sursele de informare sunt multiple si noi,atragatoare, facile. Noi iesim din aceasta biblioteca impliniti intr-un fel, dar curiosi in continuare.Este un loc in care biblioteca veche cu cea noua se completeaza benefic spre a ne oferi nu numai buna instruire ci si placere si confort.
Persoanele care gestioneaza biblioteca sunt de un inalt profesionalism si cu mare dragoste pentru carti,pentru noi cei care intram in acest lacas.
Biblioteca este sansa de instruire,formarea intelectuala si artistica, o lume magica care ne intrebuinteaza frumos timpul. Este o sursa de comunicare virtuala sin u numai. Este total benefica.
Sa profitam,asadar!..........

Lukacsovits Xanta
O zi, care pentru mine a inceput foarte prost, dar s-a transformat intr-o zi speciala, odata ce am calcat in spatial numit “lumea de poveste”. Eram obosita si plictisita, poate si din cauza vremii, care nu era tocmai pe placul meu. Ploua afara, dar caldura din biblioteca ma atragea, ca si atunci cand bunica mea facea placinte delicioase ce ne chemau cu mirosul lor usor simtit, chiar si de la joaca. Am intrat rapid si mi-am lasat hainele la garderoba, care tin sa precizez ca era foarte aranjata si bine pusa la punct.
M-am grabit sa-mi gasesc colegii intrand prin multimea de rafturi pline de carti care mi-au trezit o mare curiozitate.
Intre timp auzeam vocea bibliotecarei, in surdina, care ne explica cum stau lucrurile prin biblioteca, dar nu eram foarte atenta. Admiram tot mai multe si chiar am observat ca ceva se schimbase in biblioteca, ceva care era destul de evident, dar de care nu-mi dadeam seama. Ascultand din nou la doamna bibliotecara, am observat ca ne explica ce anume s-a schimbat in acest spatiu. Am aflat ca acum el este specializat, dotat, mult mai luxos, si mult mai usor de folosit.
Dupa ce am iesit din acea sala, ne-am indreptat spre expozitia de proiecte ce avea sa inceapa in mai putin de o ora si care urma sa ne fie prezentata. Doamnele profesoare ne-au condus spre intrare si asa am aflat cate ceva despre aceste proiecte mari. Fiecare profesor de la fiecare liceu, scoala, gradinita, a incercat sa ne prezinte cat de bine si de consistent a putut in putinul timp care era.
Dupa aceasta, am urcat la ultimul etaj, unde o doamna foarte draguta, asemenea celorlalte bibliotecare, ne-a prezenat foarte complex ceea ce se intampla in sala de lectura pentru adulti, dupa care am coborat pentru a participa la prezentarea propriu-zisa a proiectelor. A fost o prezentare reusita, dar cel mai frumos a fost atunci cand una dintre diplomele care se ofereau s-a inmanat doamnei mele diriginte, care este reprezentanta unor proiecte ce se manifesta sau se realizeaza la noi in liceu.
Dupa aceasta prezentare, ne-am indreptat spre “American Corner”, unde urma sa ni se prezinte unul din frumoasele materiale istorice, ce se afla acolo si pot fi vazute si revazute oricand, pentru ca exista, de asemenea, conditii necesare vizionarii lor, foarte bune.
Ne-am asezat cu totii asteptand sa vedem filmul propus de cei mai in tema decat noi. Am urmarit un material foarte frumos despre “Canyons”, care, cel putin pe mine, m-a impresionat, dupa care ne-a mai ramas timp sa vizionam si un filmulet despre “Eliss Island”.La fel cum pot spune si despre celelalte lucruri pe care le-am vazut acolo, si acestea au fost utile, deoarece, in primul rand nu au fost traduse , ceea ce ne-a ajutat sa exersam anumite parti importante din engleza, iar in al doilea rand pentru ca am plecat de acolo cu un bagaj substantial de cunostinte, si in plus am primit si niste carti foarte interesante despre istoria Angliei, de la doamnele bibliotecare.
La sfarsitul programului si a acestei experiente, ne-am indrepatat spre scoala, cu alta parere asupra Bibliotecii Judetene Maramuresene, si a lucrurilor pe care le poti realiza acolo. Eu am ramas cu amintiri placute, cu amintirea ca acest lucru l-am facut alaturi de colegii mei si diriginta, alaturi de profesoara de romana, fiindca ziua aceasta a fost marcata in cel mai frumos mod.

Manuela Grigoruta
10 E

Lumea cartilor

Se spune ca martea este o zi cu ghinion, dar eu pot sa va aduc argumentul ca nu este asa dandu-va exemplu martea precedenta in care am petrecut o frumoasa dupa-amiza intre rafturile cartilor bibliotecii judetene alaturi de colegii mei.
Prin faptul ca am stat acolo patru ore am descoperit o noua lume care pentru mine nu era atat de cunoscuta:lumea cartilor,am mai descoperit faptul ca biblioteca nu este simpla incapere in care mergi si imprumuti carti dupa care pleci in drumul tau.In biblioteca exista locul in care poti sa iti duci copii prescolari sa invete timp de o ora lucruri educative si folositoare acea camera numindu-se ludoteca.Este locul in care poti merge sa iti cauti cartea mult dorita si asteptata de tine,sau vizionarea unui film din enciclopedii.Mai exista locul desinat numai si numai limbii engleze numit: American Corner si aici gasim carti, reviste, dvd-uri, cd-uri&casete audio pe ele alfandu-se cursuri in limba engleza si dictionare.Esti primit cu caldura si cu bratele larg deschise de catre bibliotecare,acestea raspunzandu-ti la fiecare intrebare pe care le-o adresezi cu zambetul pe buze,cu o placere care te face sa simti ca dupa ce vei iesi de acolo vei avea cu siguranta mai multe cunostiinte decat cele pe care le aveai inainte de intra in acea lume a cartilor.Am participat si la o expozitie de proiecte a mai multor scoli si licee,printre care si liceul nostru,in care directorul bibliotecii si inca trei doamne au tinut cate un discurs. Cu siguranta aceasta experienta m-a facut sa ma gandesc de ce pana la varsta mea de 17 ani nu am stiut ca biblioteca este mult mai mult.
Nu pot sa imi expun toate sentimenetele avute acolo. Biblioteca trebuie vizitata in acelasi mod cum l-am facut si eu si cu siguranta veti avea aceeasi opinie si sentimente.
Cristina Ivanov

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Biblioteca - o oglinda a sufletului

Biblioteca este un loc in care ar trebui ca majoritatea oamenilor, nu doar a elevilor, sa petreaca cel putin cate 3 ore pe saptamana. Ea face parte din noi deoarece cartiile care sunt in aceea biblioteca sunt sentimente traite de oameni si de majoritatea dintre noi.
Spre exemplu sentimentul de iubire care sigur l-am trait fiecare dintre noi, nu se refera doar la acel sentiment de dragoste fata de sexul opus ci si de acel sentiment de iubire fata de parinti, frati, prieteni etc.
Aceste carti ne ajuta sa ne cunoastem mai bine, sa cunoastem psihologia umana, sa ne dezvoltam relatiile dintre noi oamenii, oglindandu-ne sufletul nostru.
Cartiile sunt totodata si o poarta care ne conduce spre o lume a imaginatiei, o lume diferita de cea a noastra si ne ajuta sa scapam de aceasta monotonie care ne-o impune viata de zi cu zi, fie ca vrem fie ca nu.
Ele ne ajuta sa ne dezvoltam imaginatia creatoare , ne ajuta sa ne imaginam cum ar fi o lume in care ar exista zane, spiridusi, elfi, creaturi care au disparut sau, de ce nu, care isi fac aparitia acum ; intr-un cuvant « magie ».
Cartiile sunt ceva cu totul aparte, ele oferindu-ne o excursie intr-o alta lume, intr-o lume in care o vizitam doar noi, o excursi gratuita si in care putem merge de cate ori ne dorim.
Deci, merita sa citesti o carte !!!

Adriana Molnar

O zi la biblioteca

Poate pentru unii o zi la biblioteca este o zi banala.
Pentru ei biblioteca nu este decat o cladire mare si plina de carti, asta pentru ca nu cunosc farmecul ei sau farmecul documentarii.
Biblioteca este un centru al cunoasterii in care patrunzi cu entuziazm si esti nerabdator sa descoperi noi lumii. Cand faci primul pas intre rafturi, deschizi o poarta mare si intri din lumea realului in lumea irealului, este un labirint plin de fantezie din care ti-ai dori sa nu mai iesi nicodata. Dupa ce ti-ai gasit cartea ce itzi va deschide o noua lume, te asezi pe un scaun si incepi sa citesit si incet, incet sa-ti descoperi noua lume. Linistea de mormant din jurul tau, te face sa uitzi unde te afli si sa traiesti experientele, sentimentele si trairile interioare ale fiecarui personaj.Acest sentiment il traiesti de fiecare data cand deschizi o carte.
Daca se intampla ca nu iti place sa citesti, poti viziona filme sau documentare, poti asculta casete sau naviga pe internet. Oricum nu se compara cu o carte citita, dar la biblioteca poti invata ceva din orice activitate.
Timpul la biblioteca nu este un timp pierdut ciu un timp folosit in intregime.
Nu ezitati sa vizitati biblioteca, puteti trai aventurii nebanuite.